20 Questions about cats you've always wanted to know
Abdelhak HachtShare
Cats are the furry little creatures that we love to pet, but it can be hard to understand their behavior. You might even have some questions about your feline friend that you've been too afraid to ask. Don't worry, I've got you covered with 10 common inquiries about cats answered below!
1. When do cats stop growing?
Depending on the breed, cats continue growing for up to 2 years. Despite being fully grown at 1 year old, some breeds can continue growing until they are 1.5 or even 2 years of age!
2. How long can cats go without food?
Cats can go up to a week without eating. They can go longer without food than humans can. However, cats should still be fed daily because feeding them is healthy and will keep their digestive systems moving. In warm weather, cats do not need to eat as much since they are able to get the energy they need from the heat.
3. Why do cats rub against you?
Cats rub against people to show their affection and to mark you with their scent. They like to show affection, and rubbing is a way for them to bond with their owners.
4. How many teeth do cats have?
Cats can have as many as 30 teeth, but usually, they only have 20. Cats use their front incisors to tear meat from prey and to groom themselves. They also use them for play-fighting with other cats or people.
5. Why do cats knock things over?
Cats are curious and playful. They'll do things just to see what happens. So, if there's something that might move or topple over, they're likely to be interested in it. Many people wonder why cats are always knocking things over. Some believe it's because they like to be naughty. Others think they do it out of curiosity or playfulness.
“ My cat is always knocking over my stuff. She does it because she knows I'll go get them, and then she'll follow me around ”
6. How many nipples do cats have?
A cat has an average of 6-12 nipples. Their main function is to produce milk for their kittens. This is because they are polygamous and can produce kittens with the help of multiple fathers.
Cats also have a different number of nipples depending on their age, sex, and reproductive status. Kittens may only have six nipples while adults usually only have eight or ten.
Male cats tend to be less fertile than female cats which mean that male cats will only have four functional testicles during their lifetime whereas females will always retain all twelve nipples regardless of whether or not she has reproduced before!
7. Why are cats so cute?
Cats are the most adorable creatures on the planet. With their fluffy fur and round faces they have no problem melting your heart in an instant. Cats become even more irresistible when you see them play, jump or curl up into a ball of fluff to take a nap. But why is it that cats are so cute?
Well there are many reasons for this, but here's five things that make cats undeniably adorable:
- Cats are so cute because they have big eyes and a small nose
- They can be really silly and comical
- They're independent; they don't need constant attention.
- Their paws are soft and their fur is warm to the touch
- Cats make great companions - just look at how many people keep one as a pet!
- They're easy to take care of
- They know how to entertain themselves
- Cats love to be petted and will rub up against you when they want your attention.
8. How often do cats poop?
As a cat owner, you might be wondering how often your furry friend goes to the bathroom. While some cats poop once or twice a day, others are more infrequent and only go every few days. Why is there such variability? The answer may have something to do with diet and the environment. Some cats eat dry food while others are on wet food diets, which can affect when they need to go number two (or number one).
Further, certain environmental factors like stress levels can also change the frequency of litter box visits for kitties!
9. How high can cats jump?
Cats are known for their acrobatic feats and agility. Whether jumping from the sofa to your shoulder or scaling a tall tree, they seem to have no limits when it comes to height. But how high can cats jump? Do they know their own limitations? Let's find out!
- Cats can go as high as 7 feet
- Cats can jump up to 6 times their height
- The average cat can jump about 5 feet high
- The world record for a cat's vertical leap is 27 inches
- Most cats will use the length of their tail as leverage when jumping, and it helps them get extra distance in order to reach high places such as a tree branch or window sill
- Cats usually jump straight up into the air with all four paws off the ground at once, but they can also do something called "the aerial twist" where they rotate mid-jump and land on their feet facing away from the direction they were originally facing
- There are many factors that determine how far your cat will be able to jump For example, if you have an indoor/outdoor kitty who spends a lot of time outside hunting mice or other rodents then he may not need to go very far because he has been getting plenty of exercise already! Whereas if you have an overweight housecat who rarely leaves his bed then he might just barely make it onto your kitchen counter while standing on his hind legs!
10. What smell do cats hate?
It’s no secret that cats love to do their business in other cats' litter boxes. Cats are also known for hating the smell of citrus fruits, so it can be difficult to keep your cat from doing their business on your favorite rug if you leave them alone in a room with orange peels or grapefruit sitting around. If you want to know what smell does put off your cat, read this blog post!
You might think that the answer is something like fish or onions because these smells give many people stomach cramps and make them hold their breath until they pass by the offending food item. But while those smells may not be pleasant for humans, they often don't bother cats at all and will just walk right past them without:
Here are a list of a few smells that cats dislike:
- Cats are known to have a strong sense of smell, which is why they hate the smell of citrus
- Cats also dislike the scent of lavender and peppermint because it's too overpowering
- The scent that cats love most is vanilla - this calming fragrance calms them down when they're feeling anxious
- Other scents that cats enjoy are ginger, thyme, chamomile, clove and eucalyptus
- Cat owners should remember not to spray any sprays on their furniture or carpets as these smells can trigger allergies in some cats
- If you want to keep your cat from scratching your furniture then sprinkle cayenne pepper around the area instead of using chemical deterrents like bitter apple spray or lemon juice
- If you want to keep bugs away from your house, try putting lavender plants around the perimeter of your property and remember not to forget about yourself! You should have some lavender plants near where you work or sleep at night too!
11. Why do cats groom each other ?
Cats groom each other for many reasons. One is to remove any loose hairs or dirt that may be on the cats fur, which would otherwise make it difficult for the cat to hunt and catch prey. Another reason why a cat might groom another is because they are trying to establish dominance over their friend, as well as showing affection. In some cases, grooming can also serve as a form of social bonding between both parties involved in the act. Cats also like being touched by their owners but this often leads to more grooming due to the fact that these pets love attention so much!
12. How do cats get worms?
Cats are notoriously picky eaters, which can lead to a host of health problems. One common issue is worms, and no matter how much you might want to think otherwise, your cat could have them. Worms in cats can be contracted through contact with other infected cats or from eating an infested animal carcass on the ground. It's important that you get your cat regularly checked for worms by their veterinarian!
Here are a few ways how do cats get worms also a few tips to get rid of them:
- Cats can get worms from eating prey that has worms, like a mouse or bird
- Worms are also passed to cats when they groom themselves and swallow the worm's eggs
- Cat owners need to be careful with what their cat eats - don't let them eat raw meat or fish unless it is well cooked because this gives them more chances of getting infected with parasites
- Make sure your cat always has fresh water available, as dehydration can make them vulnerable to infection by parasites
- Keep your house clean so there are no areas where the worm eggs can survive in high numbers
- Wash all food dishes after each use and keep trash cans covered tightly so flies cannot lay their eggs inside of it
13. How to keep cats off counters?
Cats love to explore and climb onto counters, which can be dangerous for their paws. The best way to keep cats off of the countertops is by making sure there are plenty of high spaces in your home that they can get on instead. Cats like to lay on top of tall furniture or climbing structures where they feel safe and comfortable. If you have a cat scratching post near the kitchen or other areas with food, this will also deter them from wanting to jump up onto the counters as well.
It's important to remember that time-outs are not effective ways to train your cat! Instead, provide more options so they'll stay away from the countertops without feeling punished for it.
Follow these simple steps to keep your cats off counters:
- Use a squirt bottle filled with water to spray the cat when they are on the counter
- Place double sided tape or sticky pads in front of the counters where you don't want them to go
- Put up a physical barrier such as furniture, plants, or other items that will prevent your cats from getting onto counters
- Hang bird feeders outside near windows so cats can watch birds without being tempted to jump up and try to catch them
- Keep food and drinks out of sight - put them away in cabinets or behind closed doors
- Install an indoor pet gate at entrances into rooms with counters (elevate it slightly off ground)
14. Why do cats drool?
Do you have an adorable, fuzzy feline friend? It is a common misconception that cats are clean animals. In reality, they drool and slobber as much as any other cat on the block. The first time you see your sweet little kitty do it, you might be grossed out by all of this saliva coming out of her mouth. But don't worry--it's actually quite normal! Cats will drool when they're eating or drinking something delicious to help break down food in their mouths so they can swallow it more easily. They also may drool while grooming themselves or because they're feeling stressed out or anxious over something going on around them (like say...the dog next door).
15. Do cats bleed when in heat?
- Cats are in heat for around two weeks, and during that time they usually bleed
- When a cat is bleeding it's because she's coming into heat - this happens twice per year on average
- Usually the bleeding is light pink or brownish discharge from the vagina, but sometimes there might be blood mixed with urine
- The vaginal discharge will have a strong odor to let other cats know she's ready to mate
- If your cat has been spayed then she won't go into heat, and if you notice any of these symptoms then take her to the vet as soon as possible
- Spaying helps prevent litter box problems like spraying and marking territory, which can happen when female cats come into season
16. What do cats dream about?
Ever wonder what your cat dreams about? You might not have ever considered this question before, but there are many things you can learn by looking into it. Cats dream just like humans do, and they spend around 20% of their time dreaming! But cats also sleep for a lot more time than humans do - most adults need to sleep 7-8 hours per day on average while cats need up to 16 hours per day. What does that mean? It means that if you're wondering why your cat is sleeping so much all the time, it's because they may be dreaming or having nightmares in their sleep.
Here are some theories about what cats dream about:
- Cats may dream of chasing prey, catching mice, or stalking birds
- Some experts believe that cats can't really remember their dreams when they wake up
- Others say that cats might be dreaming of a catnip-filled toy and not actually the real thing
- Another theory is that cats have nightmares about being chased by dogs or other animals in their sleep because of how intense it would feel for them while they're sleeping
- One possible explanation for why some people think they know what a cat's dreaming about is because humans project their thoughts onto domestic felines without any evidence to back them up
17. Why do cats stare at you?
How does it feel when your cat stares at you? Do they have a purpose behind their intense glare, or is it simply an annoyance to have them always watching you? Well, we're here to tell you that there are actually many reasons why cats stare at people.
Some of the reasons include curiosity about what humans are up to and if they should be afraid (for example, if a human is holding something in their hand), uncertainty over what the human wants from them, and just general curiosity. If your cat has been staring for awhile now without any other behavior changes like hissing or growling, don't worry! They might not be trying to threaten you as much as trying to figure out how to communicate with you better.
18. What do cats like to eat for breakfast?
What do cats like to eat for breakfast? Do you have a cat that is always begging for something to eat in the morning? The answer is up to your cat's preference! Some cats prefer wet food and others love dry food. It all depends on the type of animal that you have and their needs.
But what do cats like to eat for breakfast? It's time to get out your bowls! Here are some tasty options:
- Cat food with egg mixed in (for protein)
- Meat scraps or eggs and milk cooked together (for protein) -fish or chicken breast (high in protein)
- Fresh fruits and vegetables that you can chop up into small pieces
- What do cats like to eat for breakfast is often dependent on what they had as dinner the night before
- If they ate fish, then they might want some fish for breakfast or if they ate beef, then you might offer them beef jerky for breakfast
- One last thing about what do cats like to eat for breakfast - make sure it's something healthy because many people feed their pets unhealthy food which can lead to weight gain which can lead to other health problems down the line
19. How do cats get ear mites?
Has your cat been scratching their ears a lot lately? Have you noticed any redness on the inside of their ear? If so, it's possible that they have ear mites. Ear mites are parasites that live in the external auditory canal and feed off debris from dead skin cells. They're usually harmless, but can be an annoyance to cats if left untreated for too long.
Here are some few tips to keep in mind while dealing with ear mites:
- Cats can get ear mites from other cats, or even humans
- Ear mites are microscopic bugs that crawl around in the cat's ears and feed on their blood
- A cat with ear mites will often shake its head a lot because it is irritated by the bugs crawling inside of its ears
- If you see your cat shaking its head frequently, take it to the vet for an examination and treatment of ear mites
- The vet may prescribe some medication to treat the infection and provide pain relief for your pet
- To prevent future infections, make sure you clean out any dirt or debris from your cat's ears regularly so that there is no food available for these parasites to eat
20. Why do cats sleep on you?
You know that feeling when you’re just about to drift off to sleep and then all of the sudden a cat jumps on your chest? Well, they do it for a reason! Cats are known for their ability to sense things that humans can't. They have more than 200 million scent receptors in their nose, compared with our measly 5 million. So it's no wonder they like to lay next to us because we give off an odor called "pet odor," which is similar to what cats smell like themselves. This pet odor makes them feel safe and secure as if they were back at their home or place where they feel most comfortable. The other thing is there's something called “the calming effect." When people cuddle with pets.
To wrap up here are few explanations for why do cats sleep on you:
- Cats sleep on you to show they love you
- Cats sleep on you because it's a comfortable place to nap
- Cats sleep on you because it makes them feel safe and secure
- A cat sleeping on your chest is a sign that the feline trusts and respects you, or wants to be close to their human companion
- Sleeping with cats can reduce stress levels in humans too!
- You might have an allergic reaction if a cat sleeps too long (or at all) on your skin - make sure there's space between the two of you!
This article has revealed 20 questions about cats you've always wanted to know. Now, do we have your attention? If so, please share this blog post with a friend who also loves cats!
Read more: Cat Health: What Is Considered Normal?