Fleas in Puppies and Dogs
Kimberly HarrisShare
If you have ever wondered how fleas in dogs and puppies are transmitted then read on because it's pretty disturbing stuff. Fleas are parasites that feed off of their host, which is typically a cat or a dog.
They live in the fur of these animals and inject a chemical into the skin which causes an allergic reaction in the host which results in the flea bite.
This can range from mild to serious and is particularly prevalent in certain breeds such as Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers. The best way to prevent fleas in dogs and puppies is to prevent them from getting to you in the first place, so make sure you have your pet regularly checked out by a vet and flea and tick prevention treatments on hand.
Another common cause of fleas in dogs and puppies is flea larva. Larvae cannot survive in the cold so they seek out warm moist places such as the fur on your pet's legs and belly.
One great natural remedy for this is to mix a teaspoon of dish soap into a shallow bath of warm water, and soak the puppy for 15 minutes. Dish soap is a great disinfectant and is not toxic to pets or humans.
Finally fleas in dogs and puppies can be treated with a topical flea treatment available at your local pet store or over the Internet.
These treatments contain a special ingredient which is called ivermectin which is very effective in removing fleas in dogs and puppies, as well as their eggs.
You simply apply the treatment to the skin of the dog, for about a minute and wash the dog afterwards. Make sure to do a complete rinse by hand and air-dry the dog afterward, before applying any flea treatments to further prevent the fleas from nesting.
Signs of Fleas in Dogs and Puppies
It is very common for pet owners to think that there is no cure for fleas, especially when there are signs of fleas in dogs and puppies. In fact, there are various methods available for the treatment of fleas including the use of topical and preventive medications. While there may not be a permanent cure for the flea, it is possible to prevent reinfestation by keeping your dog clean and well groomed. Another method of prevention is the elimination of fleas through the application of insecticides which should only be used as a last resort. This article will discuss some of the signs of fleas on dogs and puppies.
Adult fleas are the most difficult to treat and eliminate because they lay their eggs in the puppy's fur and lay as long as six months. Signs of fleas in dogs and puppies include the presence of:
- Ear mites
- Constant scratching of the ears
- Frequent ear scratching
- Thick ear hair
Since these signs are indicative of an infestation with immature fleas, they can only be eliminated with the use of a flea collar. These flea collars are commercially available and are very effective in eliminating immature fleas.
The other main problem faced by dog owners with signs of fleas is the possibility of flea allergy dermatitis which is more severe than the previous problem.
This condition causes the itching of the dog as well as rashes around the body, especially on the chest and stomach. This form of the flea allergy is caused by ingesting flea eggs. The best way to prevent the occurrence of flea allergies is to keep your dog free from fleas by administering regular flea control procedures.
Causes of Fleas
If you have pets at home or in your place of work and you see the signs of fleas then it is a good idea that you immediately take action and consult your veterinarian so that you will know what to do about this.
Some of the main causes of fleas are the parasites that are transmitted by ticks and fleas. Ticks can be avoided if you regularly check around the place where your pet usually stays such as the corners of your home and the areas near the doors and windows.
Another major cause of fleas is the female flea, which is able to lay thousands of eggs that can remain viable for over two weeks. Female fleas can lay eggs almost everywhere and they usually fly around the house.
They are often seen in the house due to their fondness for human blood. When you notice the eggs around your pet then you must take your pet to a veterinarian so that the infestation can be dealt with properly. The eggs are fatal for the pets and as soon as they have hatched these little insects must be removed from your pet's body because they can become dangerous to your health. Other causes of fleas include the parasites that reside on the dog itself and the allergic reaction in the case of the dog.
If you think that your pets may have fleas or you already have fleas but you are not sure about it then you can also consult your veterinarian. There are many different flea control products that can be used and one of these is the Frontline Plus which is proven effective by most pet owners.
This flea control product has been proven to be more effective than any other product and it also does not have any harmful side effects for your pets and you. The best flea control is still doing away with these parasites from your pets and you owe it to yourself to learn more about it so that you will know what to do in case you already have these parasites. It is better to prevent something before it becomes worse than to cure it when there are already effects and you only have a few options.
Home Remedies for Fleas on Dogs and puppies are an important way of removing fleas from your dogs and puppies. Fleas can be very difficult to remove. This is why it is crucial to know how to control them effectively. Here are some home remedies you can use to keep fleas away:
First, give your puppies tick treatment medications. Adult fleas will lay their eggs early in the spring. This is the perfect time to apply flea treatments to help get rid of fleas and ticks from your dogs and puppies. Adult fleas are very difficult to treat because they lay their eggs at an incredibly fast rate. It will take a few applications for adult fleas to fall off of your dogs or puppies.
Clean your house thoroughly each day. The best home flea control products come in detergent sprays and powders. Purchase these products in small quantities at first. Most house cleaning chores can be accomplished using dish soap as a main ingredient. Dish soap also acts as an effective flea deterrent.
You can also purchase medicated flea collars and powders for your puppies. These products usually have a long shelf life and are great for those who are having a hard time killing fleas on their own. They will provide relief and prevent future flea infestations. The majority of these products are safe for the animals as well. If you do not want to treat fleas your pets through these products, it may be necessary for you to seek professional help for the situation.
The best way to prevent the spread of home fleas on puppies and dogs is through prevention. If you notice any signs of fleas or feline fleas, you should eliminate them right away. This will save your pets from suffering any long term damage. In order to prevent infestation, make sure to keep your house clean and sanitized.
Keep your pet's environment clean. If your pet is always outdoors, make certain to take care of ticks and fleas by eliminating their food source. Remove piles of leaves from your garden and yard. Young puppies are especially vulnerable to the effects of ticks and fleas so it is important that young puppies never be allowed to play in the grass or dirt. If you must allow them play in the grass or dirt, you should only allow them to do so after you have given them a flea treatment pill.
Another way to prevent ticks and fleas from being a nuisance to your dogs and puppies is through preventative measures. You can begin by keeping up with your pets routine health checkups. If you notice any unusual symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. During your appointment you should discuss how you can effectively treat and prevent the infestation through proper preventative care. Many veterinarians offer treatments such as topical flea powders, flea collars, and spot-on alternatives to conventional flea medication.
The best home remedies to get rid of fleas on puppies and dogs are a combination of topical flea remedies, spot-ons, and natural flea control medications. Spot-ons kill adult fleas while leaving their eggs, preventing them from developing again. On the other hand, natural flea control medications destroy both the adult fleas and their eggs. This approach is the safest way to eliminate both the problem and the threat of reinfestation. You should treat all of your animals, even if they seem fine at the time. Your pets will thank you for providing the best home remedies to get rid of fleas on puppies and dogs.
How to Prevent Fleas
Flea prevention begins by eliminating the existing fleas in and around your home, and then preventing them from returning.
Fleas are ectoparasites, which means they feed on living host-organisms. The most common animals hosts are cats, dogs, and hamsters; and as a general rule, ectoparasites feed on warm-blooded animals. The reason for this is that warm-blooded animals provide the optimum environment for their fecal matter to multiply in. As long as the animals stay warm and well-nourished they are less likely to contract a flea bite, because their immune systems will be higher than cold-blooded animals.
There are a few easy ways to prevent fleas from having a home in and on your pet. One of the easiest ways to prevent new fleas from developing is to make sure your pets are routinely bathed and groomed. Animals that get hairier tend to have more frequent flea bites. Cats and dogs that are regularly groomed also shed more fur, making it easier for fleas to develop a habitat and breeding. You should bathe both regularly.
Another simple way to help prevent fleas is to make sure you don't overfeed your animal. Animals that frequently receive extra food and water will have more body fat, making it harder for them to keep from being bitten. On the flip side, animals that are underweight will have less body fat, which makes it much easier for fleas to find a feeding ground. If your pet needs a lot of water or food to survive, make sure you give them the proper amount to prevent this from happening.
The best way to effectively prevent fleas is to try flea treatments as soon as possible after you see any signs of infestation. Even if you already have some sort of flea treatment on hand before flea exposure occurs, it's a good idea to try using flea treatments at least once per day, especially if you live in a part of the country that has an increased amount of ticks or deer. While there are commercial flea treatments available, these often contain chemicals that may be harmful to cats. Instead, there are safer, natural flea treatments available for cats that will not harm them and can actually help protect your feline friends.
One safe option is to use cedar mulch on your cat. Cedar, one of nature's greatest deterrents, can not only repel but also kill any ticks and mosquitoes that try to nest in its pores. When treating an existing spot-on treatment, make sure that you wash your cedar mulch in hot, very hot water. This will sterilize the cedar and kill any flea or mosquito eggs that may have been left behind. By using a spot-on spray on your pets and regularly bathing them in a cedar-laced tub, you can effectively and safely prevent infestations and keep your furniture and home free of unsightly fleas and pests.
Read more: How to Remove a Tick From a Dog