What Temperature Kills Fleas?

What Temperature Kills Fleas?

Abdelhak Hacht

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Fleas, those persistent pests that plague our beloved pets, can be a real nuisance to deal with. While there are numerous methods to combat these tiny intruders, understanding their vulnerabilities, such as their sensitivity to temperature, can provide valuable insights into effective flea control. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the relationship between temperature and fleas, answering the burning question: What temperature kills fleas? Read on to equip yourself with the knowledge to protect your pets and home.

What Temperature Kills Fleas?

What Temperature Kills Fleas?

According to research, fleas cannot survive in temperatures above 95°F (35°C) or below 30°F (-1°C). At temperatures above 95°F, the fleas become dehydrated and die. On the other hand, at temperatures below 30°F, the fleas freeze to death.

It is important to note that the temperature must be sustained for a certain period of time to kill the fleas. A short burst of extreme temperature may not be enough to kill all the fleas.

Another important factor to consider is the life stage of the flea. Adult fleas are more resilient to extreme temperatures compared to their eggs, larvae, and pupae. Therefore, it is important to target all life stages of the flea to effectively get rid of them.

In addition to extreme temperatures, there are other methods of flea control such as using flea sprays, flea bombs, and flea collars. However, it is important to use these methods with caution as they may contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to pets and humans.

Overall, extreme temperatures can be an effective way to kill fleas, but it is important to consider the life stage of the flea and sustain the extreme temperature for a sufficient amount of time.


In conclusion, fleas can be a major annoyance to pets and their owners. Understanding the temperature that kills fleas is important for preventing and treating flea infestations.

While fleas can survive in a wide range of temperatures, they thrive in warm and humid environments. Fleas can survive in temperatures as low as 33°F and as high as 95°F, but they prefer temperatures between 70°F and 85°F.

To effectively kill fleas, it's important to use a combination of methods, including vacuuming, washing bedding and pet bedding in hot water, and using flea control products. Flea control products that contain insect growth regulators (IGRs) can be particularly effective in preventing flea eggs from hatching and developing into adult fleas.

It's also important to note that while extreme temperatures can kill fleas, they can also harm pets and humans. It's essential to follow product instructions and use caution when treating flea infestations.

Overall, understanding the temperature that kills fleas is an important part of preventing and treating flea infestations. By combining various methods and using caution when treating fleas, pet owners can keep their pets and homes flea-free.

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