Top 5 Ways to Fight Fleas and Ticks
Abdelhak HachtShare
Table of Contents
- 1. Prevent Them From Coming into Your Home in The First Place
- 1.2 Keep Your Lawn Well Maintained
- 1.3 Reduce Humidity Levels in Your Home
- 1.4 Vacuum Frequently To Remove Fleas and Ticks From Your Carpets.
- 2. Treat Pets Regularly With Anti-Flea Medication
- 2.1 Use Topical Treatments on Your Pets
- 2.2 Use Diatomaceous Earth To Kill Fleas and Ticks in Your Home
- 2.3 Sprinkle Natural Repellents Like Peppermint, Lemongrass And Eucalyptus Around Your Home To Keep Pests Away!
- 2.4 Planting Catnip Around The Perimeter Of Your Yard Can Help Keep Pests Far Away
- 3. Take Care of Infested Plants
- 3.1 Move Any Objects That Could Attract Your Pets
- 3.2 Flea & Tick Treatment For Your Yard
- 3.3 Wash All Your Pets' Bedding In Hot Water To Kill Flea Eggs And Larvae
- 3.4 Fleas And Ticks Go For The Warmest Areas Of Their Host's Body To Lay Their Eggs
- 3.5 Supplements To Fight Fleas & Ticks
- 4. Take Care of Infested Soil With Fierce Heat or Cold
- 5. Spray Your Pet's Bedding Regularly with Insecticide
- 5.1 Restrict Your Pets' Outdoor Time When Using Pesticides Or Treatments
- 5.2 If You See Fleas, Wash Your Pet's Bedding First
- 5.3 Don't Spare The Soap And Water
- 5.4 Use Flea Traps To Draw Bugs In
- 5.5 Use An Insect Growth Regulator To Stop The Flea Life Cycle Dead In Its Tracks
- To Sum up
- Conclusion
The summer is coming to an end and it's time to start preparing for the upcoming winter. One of the most difficult pests that people have to deal with during this time is fleas and ticks. A lot of people don't know what they can do about these pesky creatures, so here are five ways you can get rid of them before they ruin your home!
1. Prevent Them From Coming into Your Home in The First Place
Fleas prefer moist environments with warm temperatures, making spring and summer prime seasons for an infestation. Keep damp clothing, shoes and other objects out of your house as much as possible during these warm months by storing them inside plastic containers or by hanging them outside until they are completely dry before bringing them inside. You can also regularly vacuum carpets and floorboards to remove any eggs that may have fallen off your pet.
1.2 Keep Your Lawn Well Maintained
Regular mowing and edging of your lawn can prevent ticks from forming large numbers on the grass around your property. As ticks are more active during the spring, summer and fall months, keeping your yard clean will reduce their presence in your home all year round. Be sure to dispose of any clippings or debris afterwards, as these are prime breeding areas for mosquitoes that carry diseases like West Nile Virus.
1.3 Reduce Humidity Levels in Your Home
Fleas cannot survive in dry conditions so reducing the humidity inside your home will help suffocate them. Employing a dehumidifier during humid seasons is an effective way to do this but if you don't want to spend the money there are natural methods you can use. Dampen a paper towel with white vinegar or alcohol and place it in your home's corners to make the environment less cosy for fleas. You can also take up floorboards, remove carpets and vacuum behind them to remove any eggs that are stuck to surfaces.
1.4 Vacuum Frequently To Remove Fleas and Ticks From Your Carpets.
Before you put your vacuum away, take the time to empty its contents in a garbage bag. You can also add dryer sheets to your vacuum cleaner before use for extra flea-fighting power against these insects. If you are using a wet/dry vacuum it's important that you dispose of liquids in an outside bin because they could attract mosquitoes that carry diseases like West Nile Virus.
2. Treat Pets Regularly With Anti-Flea Medication
Make sure you are treating your pets with medications specifically made for killing fleas and ticks, as some treatments designed for other parasites will not work on these undesirables. The best time to do this is in the morning so they can dry before you bring them inside at night or early in the morning. Be aware that tick and flea medication tends to be less effective when used after a bath, so it's best to give your pet a good wash before applying anything new.
2.1 Use Topical Treatments on Your Pets
Your pet is one of the main reasons why fleas have decided to move into your home so making sure they are free from these pests is essential. Pets that are frequently outdoors will usually pick up ticks without you knowing but there are ways you can prevent this from happening! Flea collars help reduce infestations by killing adult parasites before they even have a chance to have their way with your pet's blood. Combing your pet with a fine-toothed comb before and after they go outside can also help catch and remove any eggs or ticks that might be crawling on them. But make sure you use a tick remover tool, like the Tick Key ( http://tickkey.com/ ) as simply pulling the parasite off your pet may cause it to spit more of its saliva into the wound, possibly causing an infection!
2.2 Use Diatomaceous Earth To Kill Fleas and Ticks in Your Home
Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock that is effective as an insecticide as well as a means of keeping slugs, snails and other insects from making their way into your garden. It works by drying out its victims' exoskeletons, causing internal organs to collapse and leading to the death of the pest. To use it safely, spread a thin layer onto carpets, floorboards and rugs using a sieve before vacuuming it up after 24 hours. You can also mix it with water or alcohol to spray on infested areas if you have plants or pets inside your house; just make sure you don't overdo it as too much of this stuff can be dangerous for our furry friends.
2.3 Sprinkle Natural Repellents Like Peppermint, Lemongrass And Eucalyptus Around Your Home To Keep Pests Away!
There are a number of herbs that you can use to make your own natural flea and tick powders or sprays by mixing them with water or alcohol in a spray bottle. Mint, lavender and citrus scents will all repel fleas because they don't like the smell (and neither should you!) but if you want something extra-strength then try sprinkling diatomaceous earth onto these plants before picking them – the sharp edges of the diatoms will cut into their flesh, deterring them from ever coming near your home again!
2.4 Planting Catnip Around The Perimeter Of Your Yard Can Help Keep Pests Far Away
Catnip, which is one of the only plants that are attractive to cats, will leave fleas and ticks with no desire to approach your property. But please remember not all felines love this plant so if you already have a cat in your household don't use it as it may cause them an upset stomach. If you want something even more powerful than mint-scented herbs then try planting mint along with dead nettle and pennyroyal – these nasty little plants contain citronella which deters insects and kills them too.
3. Take Care of Infested Plants
by disposing of them immediately or moving them into outdoor storage units. Many plants will carry flea eggs and larvae, even if you cannot see any on the plant itself. Throw away all outdoor objects such as children's toys and furniture that may attract your pets to lay on them, making sure to wash anything before bringing them back into your living space for a more thorough cleaning. Keep your grass short and make sure to turn over any outdoor rugs you may have, as these also tend to attract parasites!
3.1 Move Any Objects That Could Attract Your Pets
Remembering to keep your backyard clean and free from any objects that may lead your pets towards grassy or shaded areas is essential in keeping fleas and ticks away. Keeping the yard well-maintained and picking up after your dog will not only improve its aesthetic appeal but will also discourage pests from wanting to set up camp there. Studies have shown that ticks prefer long grasses and weeds to lay their eggs in so by encouraging a healthy lawn you can ensure that these parasites will not want to go near your home!
3.2 Flea & Tick Treatment For Your Yard
By treating the outside of your property with pesticides, you can save yourself a lot of time trying to get rid of them yourself. But it is important to make sure that the chemicals you use will not be a danger for your pets or children, as many pesticides can be toxic if ingested or handled improperly! Also, keep in mind that some pesticides are better suited for certain types of yard and may not target all pests – you should always consult with a professional before taking on this project as they will know exactly which pesticide will work best against ticks and fleas.
3.3 Wash All Your Pets' Bedding In Hot Water To Kill Flea Eggs And Larvae
It's common knowledge that washing your pet's bedding weekly keeps their area clean, but do you know that doing so weekly also kills any eggs or larvae left behind by the pests? If you have pets that often go outside then it is especially important to wash their bedding before laundering it, as this will prevent them from laying eggs there while they are outdoors!
3.4 Fleas And Ticks Go For The Warmest Areas Of Their Host's Body To Lay Their Eggs
Scratching your head because you don't understand why you've been getting bitten in certain areas? Well, if fleas or ticks are nesting on your pet then they may be prioritizing the warmest areas of their body to lay their eggs. This means that you should pay extra special attention to your pet's ears and armpits where temperatures can get up to 120 degrees F during the summertime! Also remember that many animals bury their bedding so if they are nesting underneath your lawn furniture or in any holes you may have in your yard, the pests could be closer than you think!
3.5 Supplements To Fight Fleas & Ticks
Adding supplements to your pet's diet will not only improve their health but will also help to eliminate parasites that may cause them harm. Products such as garlic and brewer's yeast can be put into pill form and given to your cat on a daily basis, just be sure that there aren't any additional ingredients present in the medication or vitamins before administering it! And dogs who spend more time outdoors than taking omega-3 fatty acids should reduce itching while also reducing their risk of developing skin irritations.
4. Take Care of Infested Soil With Fierce Heat or Cold
Fleas and ticks like moist environments, so either completely dry out wet soil or drown it in large amounts of water to kill both adults and larvae alike. Heat is another effective way to destroy pesky insects by laying plastic piping over infested areas so they can get hot enough to bake the bugs alive (this method is most effective when applying after a good drenching). You can also invest in propane or electric heater if you have an infestation on your property, using them to create a hot enough environment for the bugs to die of heat exhaustion.
4.1 Use Borax To Kill Fleas
When pets and kids are involved it is often advised to keep chemicals away from the home, so using borax in lieu of traditional pesticides may be a good option for you. Just sprinkle this powdery substance around your porch and yard and it will kill any fleas lurking out there in no time! Be sure that none of your family members or pets come into contact with the borax afterwards as it can irritate the skin and eyes.
5. Spray Your Pet's Bedding Regularly with Insecticide
You can easily pick up some spray from stores that are specially designed to kill both fleas and ticks, but it is important that you don't just pour them over your pets' beds without checking the effect first as these sprays are meant for outdoor use only. If they are safe for consumption then there will be no problem, but do not use anything stronger than what is recommended on the packaging as this may harm your beloved companions.
5.1 Restrict Your Pets' Outdoor Time When Using Pesticides Or Treatments
While most pest control treatments work wonderfully when just put out inside your home, they may not go over very well if applied directly to your pet's body. Some medications and pesticides may promote bad reactions so if you plan on using them to rid yourself of fleas and ticks then it's really important to keep your pet away from the treated areas for a certain amount of time. Check with your local veterinarian or pest control specialist before making any decisions as they will know what products work best together!
5.2 If You See Fleas, Wash Your Pet's Bedding First
If you do apply pesticides on pets and wear protective gear while handling them (such as gloves and a mask) there is still a chance that some pesticide could make contact with you without you knowing. This can be avoided by first treating any topically applied medication or pesticide on pet bedding, which has more chances of coming into direct contact with you than your fur-covered friends. Once the pet bedding is clean and safe to touch then worry about treating your pets!
5.3 Don't Spare The Soap And Water
Fleas hate water just as much as animals do, so using a strong stream of water from a hose or pressure washer will help to eliminate those pesky pests from flea-infested lawn furniture, decks, patios and outdoor areas! I know that some of you may not have access to a high-pressure washer but even the forceful spray from a garden sprinkler can work wonders when trying to remove bugs from outside surfaces. You can also make your own insecticide by mixing dish soap with hot water before it onto any area where insects invade. Just be sure to use around ten per cent soap to ninety per cent water before applying it to your yard, trees and plants so that the soap doesn't cause any lasting damage!
5.4 Use Flea Traps To Draw Bugs In
If you cannot seem to win the war against fleas by using heavy pesticide sprays or treatments, another strategy is trying out a commercial flea trap. These traps should attract any adults or larvae hiding in the soil by giving off a chemical signal that will entice them into their floral-shaped deathtraps where they'll drown inside their own liquid tomb. The great thing about these traps is that they're very easy to use as all you have to do is plug them into an electrical outlet and let the chemical attractant do the rest of the work!
5.5 Use An Insect Growth Regulator To Stop The Flea Life Cycle Dead In Its Tracks
An insect growth regulator is a must-have weapon in any war against fleas and ticks as it prevents these pests from developing into adulthood (the first step needed for reproduction). You can try using an IGR like Nylar, which kills larvae and adults on contact after they're sprayed with it. However, some stores will refuse to sell this product as it has been linked to cancer in certain animals so you might need to look for different brands if anyone in your family owns a pet as some may not want their furry friends ingesting chemicals. are also other products such as ExciteR that uses a different type of chemical to do the same thing as an IGR, but it's more costly and not as readily available.
To Sum up:
- Vacuum your house thoroughly, including under furniture
- Wash all bedding in hot water with detergent and dry on high heat for at least 20 minutes
- Spray pet bedding, carpets, and floorboards with an insecticide containing permethrin or pyrethrin
- Discourage fleas by feeding pets a diet that is low in protein and fat content
- Keep pets away from areas where there are large numbers of wild animals such as rabbits, deer, opossum etc., which may carry ticks
There are many ways to rid your homes of those pesky blood-sucking fleas and ticks so you should never have to let them take over your living space! Do a little research online or even consult a professional pest control specialist before doing anything to make sure that you apply treatments or use pesticides safely without harming yourself or others. Try using the tips listed above for best results and always remember: Fleas And Ticks Suck!!
Read more: 9 Steps to Rid Your Lawn of Fleas & Ticks